{title: This I Believe (The Creed)} {comment:Verse 1} [C]Our Father ever[Em]lasting [D]The all creat[G/B]ing O[C]ne God almi[D]ghty [G/B] [C]Through Your Holy S[Em]pirit [D]Conceiving Christ [G/B]the So[C]n Jesus our S[D]avior {start_of_chorus} {comment:Chorus} [G]I believe in God our [Am]Father [C]I believe in Christ the [D]Son [Em]I believe in the Holy Spirit [C]Our God is three in o[G]ne I believe in the resur[Am]rection [C]That we will rise aga[D]in [Em]For I believe in the n[C]ame of [D]Jesus [(G)] {end_of_chorus} {comment:Intro} {comment:Verse 2} [C]Our Judge and our De[Em]fender [D]Suffered and cruc[G/B]ified [C]Forgiveness [(Em)]is in[D] You [G/B] [C]Descended into d[Em]arkness [D]You rose in glor[G/B]ious li[C]fe Forever seated[D] high {comment:Chorus} {start_of_chorus} {comment:Bridge 2x} I [C]beli[Em]eve in Y[D]ou [G/B] I be[C]lieve You ro[Em]se aga[D]in [G/B] I be[C]lieve that J[D]esus Christ is L[G]ord {end_of_chorus} {comment:Chorus 2x} {comment:Ending} [Em]For I believe in the n[C]ame of [D]Jesus [G] [Em]For I believe in the n[C]ame of [D]Jesus [G] {start_of_chorus} {comment:Chorus 2} [G]I believe in life e[Am]ternal [C]I believe in the virgin b[D]irth [Em]I believe in the saints' communion [C]And in Your holy ch[G]urch I believe in the resur[Am]rection [C]When Jesus comes ag[D]ain [Em]For I believe in the n[C]ame of J[D]esus [G] {end_of_chorus} {comment:Chorus 2x} {comment:Ending} [Em]For I believe in the n[C]ame of [D]Jesus [G] {Key: C}